
Saturday, May 31, 2008

True Love...

Here I want to share something that I wrote not long ago, when I was filled with great emotions. :)

The freshness of the daybreak, the energy and the happyness given by the sun...Your favorite song’s melody arises from your heart to the endless sky and reaches your beloved one with the help of the migrant birds...Even the fact that you breathe the same air with him gives you such a great feeling,pacification. You dont mind the distances between two of you, because there is only you in the whole universe and this makes you closer to eachother. The true love doesn’t recognize distances, it makes you fly. Love is not a torn rose but a wildflower, watered with water from melted snow and revived with the sun.

Open your heart to LOVE!

Sveta those who are not afraid to love...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love is not a torn rose but a wildflower, watered with water from melted snow and revived with the sun.

THIS...THIS CAN BE A QUOTE used by everyone it has SHAKESPEARE theme all over it ! wonderful!

I'll be quotin ya :D i'll'refer the copy rights to u don't worry :p