I am sure each of you have once thought about this topic and as love takes a very big part of our lifes, we think how we can make it better. :) So here are some information which is useful I think.Enjoy your reading and dont forget to make your love life more colourful. ;)
Love Foods
People have been adventurous in love, and with aphrodisiacs, for as long as our history has been recorded. In every land we continue to create love recipes to entice and seduce the opposite sex, and to enhance our performance in the act itself.
Although the reasons for attraction and desire are almost as much a mystery today as they were in ancient times, we do know that the spur for sexual desire begins in the brain - in the hypothalamus, which also governs our appetites for food and drink.
The sea is one of the major sources of life. It is therefore no surprise that most sea creatures have the elements to form an aphrodisiac. All shellfish, the strongest aphrodisiacs, contain phosphorus, calcium, iodine, iron, vitamin B and glycophosphates, basic essentials for an aphrodisiac. All oily fish, such as salmon, tuna, shark, eel, herring, mackerel and sardines, and many forms of white fish, including sole and turbot, contain phosphorus, calcium and vitamins A, B and D, important elements in a variety of aphrodisiac treats.
History is rife with the human pursuit of aphrodisiacs in many forms. Scientific tests have proven that some aromas can cause a greater effect on the body than the actual ingestion of foods. Here are some common foods of love used through the ages.
Asparagus: three courses of asparagus were served to 19th century bridegrooms due to its reputed aphrodisiacal powers.

Banana: due not only to its shape, but also its creamy, lush texture, some studies show its enzyme bromelain enhances male performance.
Caviar: is high in zinc, which stimulates the formation of testosterone, maintaining male functionality.

Champagne: viewed as the "drink of love," moderate quantities lower inhibitions and cause a warm glow in the body.
Chocolate: The Aztec and the Mayan people considered chocolate a luxury with aphrodisiac powers. The Aztec emperor, Montezuma, drank 50 cups of chocolate a day to enhance his sexual ability. Chocolatecontains both a sedative which relaxes and lowers inhibitions and a stimulant to increase activity and the desire for physical contact. It was actually banned from some monasteries centuries ago.

Figs: seasonal crops were celebrated by ancient Greeks in a frenzied copulation ritual.

Ginger: Ginger root has been considered an aphrodisiac for centuries because of its scent and its ability to stimulate the circulatory system.
Honey: In Persia, newlyweds drank honey mead for one moon (or month) which is where the term “honeymoon” comes from. Others say the word “honeymoon” is from an old Viking tradition, where newlyweds were given a month to get to know each other. During that month, they were encouraged to drink lots of mead, a wine made from honey.

Soy: In at least one case, soy was associated with a case of “persistent sexual arousal syndrome.” A woman consuming over a pound of soy a day became chronically aroused. Soy milk, anyone?
Tomatoes: The bright red fruit that eats like a vegetable was shunned by the Puritans due to its reputed aphrodisiac powers. They are also known as "pomme d'amour" (French for "apple of love") which resulted from a misunderstanding of "pomme de' Moors."

Pine Nuts: Pine nuts are also high in zinc and have been used for centuries to make up love potions that stimulate the libido.
Oysters: These mollusks have long had a reputation of being aphrodisiacs. Oysters are high in both protein and zinc, which raises sperm and testosterone production which in turn increases libido. Oysters have a slightly salty/sweet scent which has been compared to a female pheromone. The great lover Casanova apparently ate dozens every morning.

Cardamom: This aromatic spice is regarded as a powerful aphrodisiac in certain cultures. It’s supposedly beneficial in treating impotence.
Avocado: The Aztecs call the avocado tree “testicle tree” because its fruit hangs in pairs on the tree, resembling the male testicles.
Basil (sweet): The scent of basil was said to drive men wild. Women have been known to sprinkle dry crushed basil on their breasts to keep their husbands’ eyes from wandering.
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